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Showing posts from 2023


As our American freedoms, according to the constitution, are being run over, altered, and outright dismissed one must remember these are not the freedoms God has promised us. I sometimes despair as I watch our freedoms being eroded little by little and sometimes in big chunks. I watch our media (television, social and advertising) spreading propaganda on all sides and I am disheartened. America is founded on freedom and our emotions and beliefs get tangled up in this freedom. Our national anthem has brought tears to my eyes on the idealistic image of a nation that loves and serves God. However, America is made up of imperfect people who sin and need to repent. The Word of God doesn't teach community repentance, the Word doesn't teach national repentance, and the Word doesn't teach American freedom. The word teaches individual repentance and surrender to the King of Kings and Lord of Lord, the triune God, THE Creator of heaven and earth. Isaiah 9:6 says "For a child...