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Emmalicans are in office

The Votes are in and the Emmalacins are in office. We held a mock election on Friday between Annah and Emma. Emma won with a narrow margin of 4 to 3. My kids got to understand a little bit about the checks and balances of government. Because of the size of our family we did it in house. Our inauguration and inaugural ball will be on Wednesday, our final day of the study. It was between my 11 year old and my 16 year old. The 16 year old won hands down but I got to witness the sweetest act of love. My 16 year old voted for her sister. Is that not awesome? My 11 year old is all about order and rules and well you can imagine how well that went over.

Anyway, we got a good "drill" on the branches of government and checks and balances because Mom is the legislative and judicial branch and I get to decide if it goes along with our “constitution”. If it does not violate our constitution we will enact that law. It really made that all so much clearer to the kids and it was fun too.

One of the things that both "parties" wanted to have in law is a once a month family day. Picnics, playgrounds, movie nights etc. both parties agreed there should be a family jar to put money into for family benefits. - Their economic platform. Foreign policy - one wanted to have a family over once a month.

Emma’s Platform

-supports the right to buy what you want when you have the money
-supports the congress’s right to give out bedtimes
-supports all cheerleaders
-supports the use of sparkles
-supports the right to play in the rain (no thunder or lightning)
-supports occasional mud fights
-supports some secular music

-do not support the congress’s right to make president stay home
-do not support only buying healthy foods
-do not support the congress and HOR flipping out about what other people think
-do not support the non financial donation to the president’s needs
-do not support the no reptile law


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