We have three weeks plus one day of full blown school left. Aliyah and to many parent teacher conferences have thrown us three weeks off schedule. This is one disappointed homeschool mom. We are usually finished by Memorial Day. Life is in hyperdrive right now so here I am relaxing and sharing some of the finer and not so fine points of my days.
We have a writing utensil rule. Only at the kitchen table. I have enough wall art to know that I do not have this one drilled into their heads. On one particular school morning I allowed markers at the table while I helped different kids work on math. I looked up to see that while she was at the table she was still not being supervised. ack. I was not more than 4 feet away. I couldn't even scold her she was so proud of her "makeup". It was crayola marker and I thought it would was off easily, she still had a faint blue shadow for church on Sunday.