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many hours later

I worked on my school room all day on and off. It is nice and clean. I need to hang pictures that are stacked by the printer. I am just not sure where to put them. I need to get something to organize all my cd's for the computer and music cd's in something else. I would love a master CD case and then copies in another one so the kids can't scratch the originals. I need a new light fixture, something that gives a lot more light and I think that about finishes it up.
We are gearing up for our study on Russia which will lead us into a study on Vikings, World War I, World War II, Communism, Crimean War, Cold War, the arts and architecture. I am really excited!! We are going to be studying government for the first 4 weeks and I think following it up with a study of a communist country will be very appropriate.

Here are my little mailboxes one for each of us. The baby and I share. We had a ball decorating them with little foam stickers. I leave little treats and I love you notes in them. I get some too. When school starts they will get index cards with their assignments on them for the week and they can store their cards in their mailboxes and record page numbers or chapter numbers and on Friday hand in their cards and I will record it all on homeschool tracker. I have tried in years past to plan ahead on the tracker but I always ended up changing to much. I guess I am too much a "free spirit" as far as that goes.

last but not least is my computer desk. I need a new cpu unit. neither cd drive works, it has viruses but it is enough for the kids to play music, access some games and my teenager to AIM on. It only gets dial-up. Basically it has seen better days but I don't have the finances to replace it.


Latte said…
Oh Yum, looks great...makes me want to clean mine up...but every time it does not last long. I need more shelving! Hope yours stays that way a long time.


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