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I love a good schedule

I love a good schedule. I am always searching for the perfect schedule. I have a feeling I will always be searching as there is no such thing as perfect. Or so they tell me.

So here is my fall schedule overview

Mondays we school from 8:30 – 3:30 or 4, we clean up and I theoretically clean up and start dinner. Annah has guitar practice on Monday nights. Emma and Rebekah tag team babysit if Don has to work late

Tuesdays are co-op days. This is the first time we have ever participated in a co-op and my kids are loving it. Don drops off Emma, Rebekah and Donny at 8:30 for a government class and then I come at 9:30 with Annah, Ben and Josiah. My littles are babysit by big sister, till my Aunt and her little one come for an hour or two to play, then my mom comes till I can get there and she does science with Annah and Josiah. Tuesdays, Emma and Rebekah have cheerleading from 4-6, Emma and Rebekah go to a Bible study after cheerleading till about 9:30 and Donny has football from 6-8 it is our most busy and full day.

Wednesdays are full school days from 8:30 to 3:30 and Annah has soccer practice and Ben and Josiah go to Royal Ambassadors (a missions group), Girls in Action is the girl counterpart for Melaina.

Thursdays we have school, cheerleading and football.

Friday we have school, football games (not every Friday)

Saturday we have football games and a soccer game and of course family obligations, housework, our Fall is loaded with birthdays. One late August, two Septembers, two Octobers and two Novembers.

Sunday we have church of course and we try and do stuff around the house and watch football.

Our daily schedule – We start with Bible, sometimes Don leads us, sometimes I do depending on his work schedule. We then move into Konos which is our history, literature and science study for the year. We have started out with learning about the election unit study and we are moving onto Russia.

This is when it gets really crazy. Everyone starts on independent work, math first. I work with Melaina till Aliyah needs to go to bed. Melaina works independently until I can come back and finish, then I move onto Josiah and then Ben. By this time we have had some sort of lunch. Annah is my resident chef so she sometimes makes chicken noodle soup, box kit pizza or something like that. Other times everyone make themselves a sandwhich plus one extra to feed a little person. My afternoons are free to help the big ones finish up co-op homework, help with math, give spelling/vocabulary tests too. I will really be happy when sports are over and I don’t feel so rushed to work with the older kids. I have a nice color coded schedule that hangs on my fridge and some days look pretty like my schedule and other days are messy and do not look anything like my schedule.


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