Lydia is a highly sensory oriented kid always touching and wanting to be touched to the point of driving me crazy. Poor thing also suffers from eczema. So this morning she climbs in my bed as is our usual custom and she tells me she is starving and I say okay and then we snuggle for a few minutes before I bring her downstairs to make her breakfast which she never eats. So I am rubbing her tummy and her legs when all of a sudden she sits up and says stop that you are going to hurt my baby. Something I say frequently as she is always climbing on my belly. It is a girl baby not a boy baby like Sam's. I had a boy baby once and it escaped. I dug a small hole to catch it but it climbed out so I had to dig a very big hole. So this one is a girl.
Aliyah was getting into the kids shelves with their school books and saying to herself "Aliyah did it". She must here this every time someone discovers a new mess somewhere. LOL
Aliyah was getting into the kids shelves with their school books and saying to herself "Aliyah did it". She must here this every time someone discovers a new mess somewhere. LOL