The human body is not going as well as the bridges unit. It was easier for me to do the hands on with bridges, it was not touching slimy things. Could use some prayer there that I would just buck up and DO IT. We are self employed so finances are an issue with getting supplies as well.
With that being said my kids drew in their bones and if I do so say so myself they did a great job. They are not going to be artists anytime soon but for kids who whined and complained that they couldn't do it. They DID IT. They are tossing around words like "hey, you stepped on my phalanges".
We started work on the muscles yesterday and my kids were quite grossed out by the concept we were eating muscle. We have a roast to put in the oven this morning and we are all going to wash our hands and poke at it a little to see the grain. Then we are going to look at pictures I have of muscle cells. Not sure everyone will want to eat the roast beef tonight.

We seem to be constantly running behind (sports end in three weeks) and never really getting everything done that I would like. We have not done any of the writing assignments yet. They are doing writing for other things but I really want to get us up to speed with Konos assignments.
Has anyone found any literature that would go along with the human body unit? When I did this with my older kids years ago (they were in middle school) they read Gifted Hands, the bio about Ben Carson. I cannot seem to find anything for a 4th and 6th grader to read.