Jordan Lee entered this world still on February 10, 2011 at 10:35 pm weighing 3 ounces and was 7 inches long. He was a perfectly formed baby boy. He was in his 16th week of pregnancy. This is his story.
After his big brothers birth, his mom and dad wrestled with trusting God to bring more blessings. In April of 2010 they took a huge leap of faith and said yes to God. They began praying for him, asking God for a brother for his brothers and sisters to grow up with and to help teach him to serve and love one another and God.
They discovered he was on the way on their 24th Anniversary. They kept this little one a secret and struggled through fatigue and nausea waiting for the day it was safe to share the news. They were waiting for his mother’s first doctor’s appointment to confirm he was safe before sharing this joyous news. The plan was to begin doctor visits on February 1st.
On January 19th his mother had some cramping and spotting. It was just once but there was now uncertainty and doubt. Just when his mother began to relax she had a gush of fluid on the 26th of January. His parents assumed the worse. She made an appointment for the 28th. Imagine his parents shock and delight and then horror at the sound of the heart beating. They now had to wait for this little one to die. A smaller gush of fluid happened on the 29th. Again his parents braced for the news that he was gone. On February 1st his parents once again were met with the shocking news he had a strong heartbeat but was dangerously low on fluid. Friday came and again a strong heart beat. His parents began to hope. Saturday the 5th a small leak of fluid. Jordan’s parents let hope continue to build. After all the fluid had leaked before and he hung in there.
On February 9th they went for a sonogram hoping and expecting to see their little one alive and fluid diminished but recovering. They believed for the miracle they had prayed for. Instantly his mother recognized the absence of a heartbeat. It was confirmed and the grieving process started again.
On Thursday morning they entered the hospital to bring their babies body out knowing his soul was with Jesus. Waves of grief came in different stages throughout the day as they waited for the baby to come. His father chose his name Jordan for the Jordan River. Their little one had crossed over into the arms of Jesus. Lee was chosen as his middle name, just like his dad. After many long hours of waiting and while talking about the joy and amazing experience each of their other children’s birth were Jordan Lee entered this world still.