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It only Takes a Minute

Some things that I have learned about being a mom of many are that it only takes a minute. So much of the time I put off doing little things my children asked for because I thought I was too busy. This left them feeling like they were ignored or not important. I have come to the realization that sometimes it only takes a minute, or five to do the fun things that make memories. Today I painted my little girls nails pink. Literally it took me a minute for each little girl and they were thrilled. I can heat water for a tea party while I clean the kitchen and when it is done I can call my little girls in to have a tea party. We can have a little tea and with their attention span it only lasts minutes or until the tea is gone.
I was watching all these wonderful projects come through on pinterest and thinking that is so great but I don’t have time. One day I decided to make a fall tree project I had seen with our fingers to print the leaves. From setup to clean up it took 10 minutes to do this project. When I started this project, I had thirty minutes before I had to take my teens to sports practice. I remember thinking I would not have enough time to finish this project and that we would have to finish it later. To my amazement we finished the project in 5 minutes; we cleaned up everything, found everyone’s shoes and made it to practice on time. My girls LOVED it, and I was able to share something fun with them and honestly the mess was not overwhelming in any of the projects we have done so far.
Not all projects or things go smoothly. Just today I thought I would imitate a Montessori type experience for my children. I got out minute rice and dumped it in a bowl. Two things I didn’t account for. My two year old was not really ready for that type of activity and honestly minute rice is not smooth and so the pleasant sensory experience was lost. A huge mess was made BUT it took just a few minutes to set up and maybe 5 to clean up.
Tomorrow we are going to make homemade playdough complete with glitter. I can’t wait.!


Anne said…
God can stretch our minutes ;)

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